The Breath of the Rose

The Breath of the Rose
Par:Andrea H. Japp
Publié le 2009 par Gallic Books

Imprisoned by the Inquisition, Agnès faces interrogation and torture. And at Clairets Abbey a nun is poisoned. In this sequel to The Season of the Beast, Andrea Japp uses her remarkable knowledge of French history and daily life in the medieval world to tell an intricate and spellbinding story.

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ID de livre de The Breath of the Rose's Les livres sont si0pPAAACAAJ, Livre écrit parAndrea H. Jappavec ETAG "i8yfG2GXXfA"

Livre publié par Gallic Books depuis 2009 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781906040215 et ISBN 10 Code est 1906040214

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The Breath of the Rose

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