Cities and Labour Immigration

Cities and Labour Immigration
Par:Mr Michael Alexander
Publié le 2012-12-28 par Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.

Using a unique analytical framework based on host–stranger relations, this book explores the response of cities to the arrival and settlement of labour immigrants. Comparing the local policies of four cities – Paris, Amsterdam, Rome and Tel Aviv – Michael Alexander charts the development of migrant policies over time and situates them within the broader social context. Grounded in multi-city, multi-domain empirical findings, the work provides a fuller understanding of the interaction between cities and their migrant populations. Filling a gap in existing literature on migrant policy between national-level theorizing and local-level study, the book will provide an important basis for future research in the area.

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Livre publié par Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. depuis 2012-12-28 avoir ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code est 9781409490906 et ISBN 10 Code est 1409490904

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Cities and Labour Immigration

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